The stomach bug can leave you feeling drained, weak, and downright miserable. Whether caused by a virus or food poisoning, symptoms like nausea,…
Life can get hectic, and staying healthy often feels like an afterthought. At 45 Urgent Care in Jackson, TN, we know how challenging it can be to…
This is the season to be sick…When cold and flu season strikes, body aches and pains are common symptoms that can leave you feeling drained. These…
The holiday season is here and we allll know how the traffic in The Columns along with all the hustle and bustle can stress us out (Insert Scream)!…
The time has come for the clocks to go back bringing on shorter days and less sunlight, thus causing many Jacksonians to experience a drop in mood…
As flu and cold season approaches, it’s smart to prepare your home with the right essentials to keep you and your family healthy and comfortable.…
As we transition into the fall season, stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet can weaken our immune system, leaving us more susceptible to illnesses…
When discussing hormone imbalances in men, testosterone often takes center stage. As the primary male sex hormone, testosterone levels naturally…
As fall brings cooler weather and shorter days, staying healthy becomes a priority. While vitamins can support your immune system and overall…