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By Elena Jamscek, PA-C

Who is eligible and should get the flu vaccine?


  • Anyone older than 6 months should get the flu vaccine


High Risk for the Flu?

  • Pregnant women
  • Children younger than 5
  • People 50 years of age and older
  • People with chronic medical conditions
  • Those who live in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities


How is the flu vaccine given?

  • At 45 Urgent Care we have the flu shot available for patients ages 4 and up
  • The flu vaccine can also be given through nasal spray – please contact your PCP for that route of vaccination


The flu vaccine is not a live virus.  Most common reactions would be injection site soreness.

Talk to your doctor before getting a flu shot if you have a severe allergy to eggs, or to a previous flu shot or if you’ve had a history of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (nervous system disorder) after a previous flu vaccine.

Next we will discuss influenza treatments!