Author: Prashant Rai
It looks like the usual wintertime viruses have come early this year. As of late October, the flu season has gotten off to a strong early start.…
Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced by the brain in response to darkness, which helps regulate circadian rhythms (the daily sleep cycle).…
Low back pain, while a lot of the times is caused by an injury, there are many times that we don’t know how we hurt our backs. Most of the time…
Last week, we discussed some signs of melanoma to watch out for when looking at a skin growth. There are 2 other types of skin cancer, and they are…
While skin cancer is not the deadliest form of cancer, it is by far the
most common type of cancer in the U.S. More people are diagnosed with skin…
Urinary Tract Infections, more commonly known as UTIs, are the 4th most common reason for patients to visit an urgent care clinic. It is estimated…
This week, we will be wrapping up this blog series on long-term weight loss.
9. Muscle Mass – Resistance training may sound scary for a lot of…